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Planet Earth 2 – Episode 4

Planet Earth 2 – Episode 4

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Catch up here with the most recent episode of Planet Earth 2, from Sunday 27 November, 2016 at 8pm on BBC One. Available to watch online on BBC iPlayer.

It’s been ten years since the first Planet Earth documentary series was gifted to the world. The amazing knowledge and undeniable talent of Sir David Attenborough unleashes our worlds unseen secrets.  There are so many beautiful, touching, impressive and frightening images that it’s almost overwhelming. One thing is for certain, it’s documentary series like these that make the British TV licence worth paying for.

An insight to the undiscovered plants and animals that live in jungles. It is one of the most challenging environments to survive in, as this week David uncvers unusual fungi and creatures that glow in the dark which have never been captured on film before.

The programme also includes recordings of caimans and the jaguars that prey on them, freshwater dolphins that swim through flooded forests, undergrowth-dwelling frogs that have to defend themselves against wasps, and the Indri, the world’s largest living lemur, which inhabits the forests of Madagascar.

Thank you BBC, and thank you Sir David Attenborough for doing what you do so flawlessly.

Program Schedule: 9pm – 10pm


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